Children and young adults are naturally going to be curious not only about their changing bodies (as well as with the brouhaha they hear all around them), and just as some may experiment with smoking, shoplifting, drinking, drugs, they may experiment with sex - in whatever form it is available.
Many times, we are attracted to another person of the same sex on a psychological level, as in the ability to share thoughts, feelings, beliefs and to have deep meaningful discussions. Those feelings can easily lead to emotional bonding which for some could lead to carrying that bonding to a physical level for a period of time until one or the other becomes dissatisfied or uncomfortable with the relationship. I liken that type of relationship to "scratching an itch."
None of those things should define a person's character or "orientation" any more than a 7-year-old sneaking a pack of gum from the 5-and-dime should be defined as a career criminal... But here is where we have the problem: In society's zeal to eradicate God and morality and absolutes, we have those who instead have elevated the ideals of humanism, relativism and political correctness. It is taught in the schools. And I think the Lord already said something about that when He said through the prophet Isaiah:
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter!
Partly, I blame the modern church, because they have perpetuated the myth that the front part of The Book was "nailed to the cross", and they have cherry-picked what is acceptable to believe and what was "done away with" or "for the Jews", when God himself said these were instructions for us (HIS PEOPLE) through all generations.
Partly, I think our government and society in general is to blame, because they have elevated "freedom of choice" and made it about the individual and not the common good… much less about obedience to our Creator.
Bottom line, I think the real issue is NOT about sex at all, or orientation if you prefer that term, but about rebellion and defiance of who our Creator created us to be and how He created us to live. This is where my disagreement lies. Not in the choices that people make - because the Lord knows I have made my fair share of misguided choices - but ultimately with the fact that they don't agree with or believe WHO GOD CREATED THEM TO BE.
God’s power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowing the One who called us to his own glory and goodness...
...but the enemy has ramped things up as the end grows closer in order to blind people to that fact. The result is: We have more and more people calling good evil and evil good… and a society who damns us if we speak against it.
But the reality is that there is a blatant double-standard by which people live. When their choice differs from ours, we are obliged to turn a blind eye and accept it as “normal”, but if we disagree and say, “no, it’s not up to US but up to GOD to define how He created us to live (or not live), then we are labeled hateful, fanatics, or phobic. I think it stems from the fact that they know, deep down inside, that their spirit is not in sync with their Creator, and they are trying desperately to still that voice. Sadly for them, the voice will not be stilled and it fuels their desire to quench it rather than to turn (i.e. “repent”) and believe God and believe that what He said is true.
At least, that's that way I see it.