I am not sure why it is that songs I have heard over the years pop into my mind given any topic whatsoever. I am discovering that as I mull my way through the daily Elul devotionals with Biblical Lifestyle Center. So it was with Day 7, reading about our relationship with the Sabbath that the song "In the Garden" came to my mind. As I read over the lyrics again, I am torn between thinking how old-fashioned and simplistic the lyrics are - and how appropriate when thinking about the Sabbath rest.
The question regarding Sabbath observance was the very first thing that I wondered about as a child with my first Bible. For many years I accepted the answer that "Christians observe Sunday because that's when Jesus rose from the dead." Never once did I question that most western Christians didn't exactly observe a day of "rest", even on Sunday. Then I hit my 40s and began to learn more about what Sabbath observance actually meant. Just a glance through the Wiki article on Sabbath is probably more information than anyone can digest, so my inclination is to go back to basics. The first mention of resting on the seventh day of course appears, "In the Beginning"...
And Elohim blessed the seventh day and set it apart, because on it He rested from all His work which Elohim in creating had made. Genesis 2:3.
Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 both go on to elaborate:
“Remember the Sabbath day, to set it apart. “Six days you labour, and shall do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath There are other Sabbaths, but this is the weekly Sabbath of יהוה your Elohim. You do not do any work – you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.
The fact that God makes a "big deal" out of His people observing the Sabbath rest seems to have been largely swept under the proverbial rug by many in the modern day church. It has become a day to watch football or golf, hang out at the mall with friends, catch up on errands or housecleaning, work on the budget, go camping, hiking or other leisure activities - but never about spending time focusing on the Creator and His delight in us. Today's devotional puts it like this:
It comes around every seventh day, calls to us, and challenges our sense of self-importance. [Emphasis mine.]
I appreciate what Christine Miller has to say about it in her blog. The Purpose of the Sabbath:
Human beings...only pursue that which they truly desire to obtain! If a man does not want something very badly, he does not put forth much effort in obtaining it. But if he deeply desires something, then he goes to any lengths to obtain the true desire of his heart.
Those who seek Him, are those who understand among the children of men. Understand what? That without Him, life is meaningless! That He is the point and the purpose of their existence!
So the challenge for today is the question:
What adjustments do you think [YHVH] would want you to make in order to improve the quality of your... Sabbath experience during this season of [turning and returning]?
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Thank you, Christine Miller. |
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