Friday, August 17, 2018

Elul :: What Have You Done?

Today's introspection is going to veer just slightly off course. (After all, these are my reflections and randomizings.) After reading the devotional for today at Biblical Lifestyle Center, it started me thinking about how I spend my time and why I am going through this series in the first place.

Accurately assess what you have done with the time, energy, 
gifts and creativity afforded you, 
and how that compares to what the King called and empowered you to do and build.

The reason I decided to forego social media during this season is that every time I get on just to check out what people are doing, what photos have been uploaded of family or vacations, I end up getting sucked in - sometimes for hours. Yes, it is no one's fault but my own. This one is not on Mark Zuckerberg or his buddies from Harvard. This one is totally on me.

Do I enjoy checking on my friends and finding out what they're up to? Of course I do. In this day and age, it is so much quicker and easier to keep up with my kids and those I care about with a few mouse clicks and a peep into the window of their lives. But when I stop to think about it, where is the personal interaction that makes for a healthy relationship? Have we reduced our human interaction to a mouse-click to satisfy a momentary curiosity - and then move on?

And we wonder outloud why people are so disconnected and display such anger and hostility - not only online, but in public as well. Could it be that with all of our "social" media apps, we have lost touch with humanity?

I know this video has been shared millions of times. (Literally. Millions.) But the message never gets old and continues to make a very timely point that needs to be not just heard - but change our way of doing life.

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

But back to the point of the Day 6 devotional for Elul... assessing what we have done with the time and talents given us... and how that compares to what we have been called to do.

First: What have we been called to do? It goes back to that question we have all asked ourselves - What is God's will for my life? Well, if we believe the Word of God (which I can't believe you have bothered to read this far if you don't), then we should know that [We are] Elohim's workmanship, created in Messiah unto good works. Ephesians 2:10 and [We are] a spiritual light to the world. Matthew 5:14.
And that's just a glimpse at what we are supposed to be about.

So then, in light of that, am I accurately assessing what I am doing with my time, energy, gifts, and creativity and comparing my actions to my calling? That is why I am here, and not trolling Facebook memes. I want to do more than get a momentary glimpse into the lives of people, I want to interact and let them impact me (and hopefully I will do the same in return.) Instead of posting memes, I'm writing cards - or at the very least, emails. I am sharing my thoughts and my journey. Hopefully, I am planting seeds.

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