Friday, September 14, 2018

Off the top of my head :: My 2¢ Worth

The question was posed:

I often wonder, when people who I am quite sure do not know Jesus, or don't recognize God in any part of their lives, what do they mean when they say "I'll pray for___" or "I prayed for____"... to whom do they pray?  We as Believers in Jesus know the One to whom we pray... in a personal, intimate way.  No other religion or sect can claim that.

After a little thought, I am inclined to think that (in the instance as described above) the word "pray" is maybe used as a euphemism for "thinking positive thoughts"... as in sending good vibes out into the universe - that type of thing.

There are probably some who, while they don't necessarily believe in YHWH, Creator of the Universe, the True and Living God, Father of our Messiah Jesus/Yeshua... they do ascribe to a belief in "a deity", or "the man upstairs" - you know what I'm talking about, we've all heard people say that from time to time.

So, in that instance, I guess they would be directing their petition to "the Big Guy in charge." Or, in the case of some people that I know who are self-avowed pagans, whichever pagan god or goddess they ascribe to. Otherwise, I believe the most common thing I have heard is "sending positive thoughts/energy your way." (I am not trying to be sarcastic when I have the mind-picture of needing a butterfly net to catch those positive thoughts. I just keep my mouth shut on that one.)

Here is what I normally say if someone says they are praying for me, but I am pretty sure they are not praying to YHWH our Elohim... I will say something along the lines of, "I appreciate your kindness."
I do not say "thank you", because, frankly, I do not want to be the recipient of prayers to any pagan deity on my behalf. Maybe that sounds slightly superstitious... I don't know. But I certainly do not want to dismiss their act of kindness for what it is - it is simply an expression that they care for whomever it is they are "praying" for.

It's somewhat along the lines of what I say to people around the winter holidays when someone says "Merry Christmas." They do not know, nor do they particularly care that I do not celebrate Christmas, so it is pointless to give them a speech about that. I simply smile and say, "Enjoy your holiday!" There is never a need to be unkind to someone who is trying to express kindness.

So, that's just my 2¢ worth... off the top of my head.

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