Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Misdsummer... or so

It's looking rather apocalyptic here in the NorthState as we are full into our second week of triple digits.

Of course, compared to Death Valley or Phoenix, we don't have much right to complain. But we do regardless, because we are accustomed to sitting in air-conditioned offices or homes, driving to air-conditioned stores or malls in air-conditioned cars.

I'm wondering a lot of things right now, things like: How on earth did our colonial or antebellum or pioneer forebears not perish of heat stroke in their multiple layers of cotton, linen, wool and tweed clothing which covered almost every square inch of their bodies? I throw on a sundress when it hits 85°F and sit in front of a fan with a thermal mug of ice water and complain of a headache.

What must life have been like for the women who had to cook and clean and do laundry 365 days a year no matter the temperature in homes that were not only poorly ventilated, but likely not insulated? I only do my minimal (by comparison) housework or chores before noon or until the interior temps hit 80°F - and forget about turning on the stove once it reaches 100°F outside! Salads or sandwiches - that's what's on the menu in the summertime chez moi.

Closer to home, how do the homeless in their tents pitched by the freeway get through the day when the temps are soaring? Ironically, a local cooling center was recently vandalized, resulting in one less location for homeless and others who need a free or low-cost way of escaping the heat to seek it elsewhere. Thankfully, there is always the local creek which flows through our large municipal park for those desperate enough to brave the specter of discarded needles or hepatitis and giardia. I am frequently amazed that there are not more people hanging out at the public library in our town. 

I know people are fervent on both sides of the "climate change" or "Global warming" debate and I am not here to cast my vote either yea or nay on the subject, except to say that I clearly recall a few days that reached 120°F in our little town within my tenure, which as of now covers 51 years. (Not to say that we won't reach that number again this year, but that is beside the point.) Full disclosure: The Internet (source of all wisdom) claims that our highest recorded temp was 117°F, which leads me to wonder where in town they placed their thermometer.

Basically, nothing new under the sun here, just musing about the heat since I must venture out shortly and I am really only stalling as I enjoy free-to-me a/c at the office and contemplating how much easier I have it than any number of people in many places around the globe. Or, just trying to put things in their proper perspective and remind myself how uncommonly privileged I really am.

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