Thursday, September 10, 2020

44084 :: States Aflame

It could be tempting to default to complaining about the smell of smoke in the air and ash covering every surface. But when I think of the people who are evacuated or even have lost their homes, it is almost like a slap in the face.

There are so many directions my mind goes in these situations. Part of me is angry and would love to see domestic terrorists who are starting so many of these fires tried for treason and yes, even put in front of a firing squad. In my mind, they deserve no less.

Another part of me ponders the enormous loss of property and life and I think of how we bring nothing into this world and we take nothing out of it. Having lost several friends and family (not fire related) in the last month, I am reminded again of just how transitory this life is. That allows me to adjust my focus and say with Job, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

So, wearing a mask and hosing off the patio and car seems like a drop in the bucket.

Cross posted from my daily photo project 

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