Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl

 What else?

A picture containing table, indoor

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Clearly, everyone had the Super Bowl on their brains today. I could not log on to Facebook without reading play-by-play, groan-by-groan. Finally, I had to log off and get cracking on my taxes. Not quite ready for the CPA, but almost there. And it was a nice, quiet afternoon while Alan was weeping with his friends in the Man Cave.

But the real point of my blog today is to highlight the Super Bowl that we have in our house and use every day. My friend Sherrie is an artist who happens to be blind. Recently, health issues have put a damper on her lifestyle, and she has had to put her art on hold while she is in a rehab hospital. As sorry as I am for that, I am not sorry to be the happy recipient of one of her lovely pieces of art when she had to downsize. This bowl now resides on my entertainment center and keeps my keys in line. 

I am one of those people who constantly mislays things. My glasses. My cell phone. My keys. I cannot even tell you how many key rings I have mislaid. But since watching The Big Bang Theory, I have learned a thing or two about being consistent with having a place to put “things”... and so, my Super Bowl has come to the rescue.

(Thank you, Sherrie. Thank you Sheldon.)

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