Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Smoke Gets in Our Eyes

It is always the same, I wash my car and it rains.
I mention our cooler temps and clear skies and what do we have this week but triple digits and smoke.
Lucky for us, we are headed north for a few days, and hopefully that will translate to a brief respite from "Hot August Nights."

Thursday, August 11, 2022

44784 :: August Again

 It would be remiss of me not to take note of the fact that it is once again Summer in the NorthState - and we are blessedly in the midst of not just a "cooling trend", but enjoying smoke-free skies for the first summer in several years. 

Granted, not everyone located in the northstate shares that blessing with us as evidenced by the map on InciWeb:

...but I for one am not going to let the occasion of having a full week in the 90's pass by without giving thanks for the blessed reprieve of what I can only hope translates to a PG&E bill under $200. this month.