It is interesting (to me) that in some cultures, the polite way of greeting involves asking if a person has eaten or slept well. That kind of leads me to wonder how polite we come across to other cultures with our “Hey! How’s it going?” or the French equivalent «ça va?»
I have long claimed that I am not a morning person, but I am coming to discover that it’s not the morning that I am averse to, it’s the waking up before I have had a good night’s rest. These past few mornings I have found myself voluntarily getting up before my alarm goes off, and this morning I discovered that it was actually quite pleasant to have the river bank to myself as I watched the morning unfold. I would say it was nice to enjoy the peace and quiet, but the birds were making all kinds of noise, so it was hardly peaceful or quiet!
We all know this will only last a few more months, and then the sun will be coming over the horizon a few minutes later each day. That means it will be a few minutes harder each morning to beat my alarm clock. But I am enjoying it while it lasts.