Friday, March 31, 2017

42825 :: Labels and Such

After reading this well-reasoned piece recently posted by , some thoughts regarding "mediocrity" and other labels formulated itself, that I just had to jot down...

Here's the thing about "mediocrity" - as soon as we accept labels from society, we redefine our value based on other's expectations and value systems.

Who is to say that a life spent within a narrow scope of influence has any less value that a life spent affecting millions?

That is not to say that a Mother Theresa should not follow her own passion and calling, but the point is: It's HER passion and HER calling.

Didn't Elizabeth Ann Everest, the nanny who helped shape the life of Winston Churchill, instill within him the drive and determination that consequently pulled an entire nation through a devastating war with the resolve to persevere despite the ever-present threat of invasion and defeat, and thereby affect millions who never knew her name? How can her role be labeled "mediocre"?

I would so rather see a world with a million persons who are parented with love and integrity, taking their passion into their world one person at a time than to see one Hitler wreaking his bigotry and hatred on 6 million and more.

It's not so much about what you do, but being obedient to what you are called to do.